Savvy Saving Advice on a New Home and Real Estate Loan

Savvy Saving Advice on a New Home and Real Estate Loan

Foreclosure in the US have reached an all time high. That’s why shopping smart for a mortgage loan is a vital survival technique in this market. Shopping smart and taking note of as many tips and tricks as you can will make a difference to the property owner in the long term investment process of owning a mortgage.

No-one who buys a home for the first time has the cash to pay for it up-front. This would mean a very large cash investment, and who has access to substantial cash amounts? Mortgages are a long-term loan and generally run for between 15 to 30 years. It is for this reason that it is important to realize any savings you can.

A mortgage is a very long term commitment and so is saving money. If you intend to live in the same property for three years or longer, then it is a good plan to try and buy that property. The costs of moving are pretty substantial and this would eat into any profits you make, if there are any to be made. A property needs to appreciate by as much as 15% before selling it becomes worthwhile and this does not happen in three years.

Make sure you pay attention to your finances before even applying for a mortgage loan. This means seeing what you can afford, paying off high interest rate credit cards and other loans, and checking your credit report to dispute erroneous records. Pay all your bills on time in the period preceding your mortgage loan application as this reflects well on your credit report. The better the credit report the more chance the home buyer has of receiving a low interest rate.

Never take a loan which covers interest payments only, this is a bad decision. Take the loan over the longest possible period. This will mean that the interest rates are lower and so too will be the monthly capital repayments. In this instance shorter is not better! Do all this and you should be fine even if you find yourself in a crisis. The more savings you get on your mortgage the better.

Gerald writes about the financial market and telecom. He writes about voice over IP, voip and voip bellen.